Theatre, St Pierre

Title: The theatre in St Pierre, after the eruption of Mount Pelée

Creator: S Poyer

Description: A theatre in St Pierre destroyed by the eruption of Mount Pelée. Mount Pelée began its eruptions on 23 April 1902, the main eruption occurring on 8 May 1902 which destroyed the nearby town of Saint-Pierre, killing or injuring most of its 30,000 inhabitants. The eruption is considered to be the worst volcanic disaster of the 20th century.

This photograph was presented to the Geological Society by the Commissioner of the Imperial Department of Agriculture for the West Indies, Barbados, 5 August 1902.

Date: 30 May 1902

Format: Black and white photograph

Archive reference: LDGSL/1092

Image reference: 02-20

Recommended print size: Up to 10 x 8 inches (25 x 14cm)
