Table des Marchand

Title: Dolmen des Marchands, Locmariaquer

Creator: Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy

Description: Photo of the table/dolmen des Marchand. A dolmen is a megalithic tomb, made up of a number of upright stones with a large horizontal capstone, or table, on top. This dolmen is part of the Locmariaquer megaliths, a group of three Neolithic constructions in the same vicinity as the larger Carnac stones complex. Today the dolmen no longer looks as it does in the image above – in 1991 it was restored by being excavated and rebuilt inside a cairn, as it would have been originally.

Date: [1890s-1900s]

Format: Black and white photographic lantern slide

Archive reference: LDGSL/1088/AC/EUR/25

Image reference: 06-02

Recommended print size: Up to 10 x 8 inches (25 x 14cm)
