

Theoretical section through the Paris Basin (Cuvier, Brongniart and Clerget, 1832)
Carte géologique du Massif du Mont-Blanc (Duparc and Mrazec, 1896)
Lake Geneva, Switzerland/France
Woman making pottery, Brittany

Cathedral cloisters, Le Puy
Le Puy, France
Views of the French coast
Glacial valley, France

Visitors to Brehec, Brittany
Saint Michel d’Aiguilhe, Le Puy-en-Velay, Auvergne
View south from Puy de la Nugère, Auvergne
Puy de Dôme and Puy de Parion, Auvergne

Puy de la Vache, Auvergne
Grand Sarcoui, Auvergne
Carnac stones
Quartzite at Port Martin Cliff

Table des Marchand
Les Orgues d’Expailly, Le Puy