Fossils & Minerals
Bones bearing marks of having been gnawed by hyaenas, from Kent’s Cavern
Bones of rhinoceros and horse found in Kent’s Cavern
Remains of fossil plants
Remains of fossil plants
Remains of fossil plants, mostly nuts from the Isle of Sheppey
Remains of fossil plants, including twigs and nuts
Remains of fossil plants, mostly leaves
Remains of fossil plants, mostly ferns
Remains of fossil plants
Remains of fossil plants, mostly trees
Remains of fossil plants, including fossil wood and bark
Gnawed bones of Rhinoceros found in Kent’s Cavern
Femur, ulna, radius, humerus and tibia of Bear found in Kent’s Cavern
Teeth and jaws of young elephants, rhinoceros, deer, bear and hyaenas found in Kent’s Cavern
Teeth & bony base of the nose of Rhinoceros from Kent’s Cavern
Jaws of a hog, deer, fox and horse found in Kent’s Cavern
Horns of a small deer, elk and red deer from Kent’s Cavern
Palate of an elk, partially eaten by a hyaena, from Kent’s Cavern
Head of a large wolf found in Kent’s Cavern, Torquay
Teeth of tigers and bears, with jaws from a rabbit, hare, bat, badger, fox, field mice, weasel and cat from Kent’s Cavern
Jaws of bears found in Kent’s Cavern
Jaws and teeth of a tiger, bear and hyaena from Kent’s Cavern
Skull of a hyaena from Kent’s Cavern
Homo diluvii testis
Mastodon giganteus
Productus scoticus
‘Two views of a fossil bivalve allied to Diceras…’
Hypponyx cornucopia & Patella, Hauteville, De Gerville
Teeth of Acrodus anningiae Agassiz
Coleia Antiqua
‘Squaloraia’ [lithograph]
Skeleton of a Plesiosaur from Lyme Regis
Tail of Squalo-raja (Spinacorhinus) polyspondila Agassiz
Plesiosaurus macrocephalus
Pterodactylus macronyx
Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus
Head of an ichthyosaur
Hammerhead shark and white shark
Shark’s head and teeth
Sea urchins
‘Glossopetra’ [Tongue stone]
‘Glossopetrae’ [Tongue stones]
La vana speculazione disingannata dal senso
Palaeorhynchum latum Agassiz
Lepidotus minor
Cephalaspis Lyelli Agassiz
Pachycormus latirostris Agassiz
Amblypterus striatus Agassiz and Amblypterus nemopterus Agassiz
Palaeoniscus striolatus Agassiz
Callipteryx reticaudus Agassiz
Holocentrum Leo; Apogon Rex multorum; Myrlpristis Jacobus
Beryx ornatus Agassiz
Platax macropterygius Agassiz
Acrolepis asper Agassiz
Polypterus bichir
Eugnathus chirotes Agassiz
Fossil fish from the collection of William Willoughby Cole
Lepidotus gigas Agassiz
Geologische Elementarkarte, plate 3 (Klöpfel, 1838)
Pterichthys cornutus Agassiz
Bones from a cave in Wellington Valley, New South Wales, Australia
‘Submarine forest of Stolford on the Severn near Bridgwater’
Charles Moore’s ‘Free Museum’ in Bath
Bones from a cave in Wellington Valley, New South Wales, Australia
Bones from a cave in Wellington Valley, New South Wales, Australia
‘Oh! que rara couza!…’
Instructions for using the Lapidary’s Apparatus
‘Fossil fish in a nodule of Lias’
Fragment of jaw of Megalosaurus
Teeth and bones from Kent’s Cavern
Skull of extinct hyena
Teeth from Kent’s Cavern
Fossil Fish of Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton
Fossil plant from Otago
Plesiosaurus macrocephalus (original artwork)
Hypsilophodon skeleton
Proteosaurus, an ichthyosaur
Ichthyosaur skull in fossil sepia
Fossil fruits
Molluskite (fossilised molluscs)
Footprint of a Chierotherium
Cephalaspis Lyelli
‘Organic Remains’
Fossil plant from Otago
Polypothecia agariciformis
Quartz crystal with asbestos inclusion
Smithsonite on fluorite
Skull of Dicynodon lacerticeps
Tetragonolepis angulifer Agassiz
Mammoth bones
Squalo-raja (Spinacorhinus) polyspondila Agassiz
Topaz crystal from Aberdeenshire
Fossil fern from the Alps
Apiocrinites rotundus
Fossil horsetail from Bristol
Clathraria lyelli
Skull and jaw of Dicynodon lacerticeps
Skull of Dicynodon testudiceps
Skulls of Dicynodon
Fossil tortoise from Oeningen
Fossil tortoise from Oeningen
Fossil fox from Oeningen
Fossil cephalapoda
Flint axes from Hoxne
Fossil cephalapoda
Fossil mollusca
Fossil mollusca
Fossil mollusca
Fossil bivalves
Fossil urchins
Fossil mollusca
Fossil bivalves
Fossil bivalves
Madrepore from the white chalk, Hunstanton Cliff
Study of an ammonite
Assemblage of fossil bivalves, gastropods and ammonites
Nautilus and bivalves