‘The Stranger’

Title: ‘The Stranger’, an erratic boulder

Creator: Tannatt William Edgeworth David (1858-1934)

Description: ‘The Stranger’ an erratic of granite, weighing over 30 tons weathered out of the Permo-Carboniferous boulder beds at Derrinal near Heathcote, Victoria, Australia.

One of a series of seven photographs of Permo-Carboniferous glacial features in Victoria, Australia, which accompanied David’s paper read in May 1896, and published as: David, T W E. “Evidences of Glacial Action in Australia in Permo-Carboniferous Time”, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society’, vol 52 (1896), pp289-301. Photographs cited on p295.

Date: [c.1895]

Format: Black and white photograph.

Archive reference: LDGSL/945-1

Image reference: 05-44

Recommended print size: Up to 10 x 8 inches (25 x 14cm)
