Polypterus bichir


Title: Studies of Polypterus bichir

Creator: Joseph Dinkel [1806-1891]

Description:  Lateral and dorsal views of the fossil fish Polypterus bichir, with a study of the skeleton, by Joseph Dinkel, Paris 1833.

Published in Agassiz, J L R. ‘Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles’ (1833-1843/1844), Vol 2, Tab C. Livraison issued 1833.

Date: 1833

Format: Ink and wash on paper.

Archive reference: LDGSL/613/2/2

Image reference: 16-07

Original size: c.50cm x 60cm

Recommended print size: Up to 70 x 50cm

Caroline Lam: