‘Cunaig in Assynt, Sutherlandshire’

Title: ‘Cunaig [Quinag] in Assynt, Sutherlandshire’

Creator: Charles Henry Lardner Woodd (1823-1891)

Description: Drawing, ‘Cunaig in Assynt, Sutherlandshire’. The caption notes the geology as being, ‘Great conglomerate, quartz rocks in foreground, white as snow’.

Charles Henry Lardner Woodd was elected a Fellow on 20 May 1846 but despite being a member until his death in 1893, never submitted a geological paper to the Society. However he was a gifted artist and this image one of a series of eight drawings in our collection, showing the geological features around Cromarty and Assynt in Scotland which were recorded throughout the month of August 1847 when Woodd appears to have been following in the footsteps of the famous Scottish geologist Hugh Miller (1802-1856).

Date: 20 August 1847

Format: Watercolour and pencil

Archive reference: LDGSL/1043/2

Image reference: 05-65

Recommended print size: Up to 16 x 12 inches (40 x 30cm)
