Title: Skull of a crocodile with the eye, paddle and teeth of various ichthyosauri
Creator: George Cumberland (1754-1848)
Description: Print of a skull of a crocodile with the eye, paddle and teeth of various ichthyosauri from different private collections, including Miss Congreve from Lyme Regis, a lesser known contemporary of Mary Anning and Elizabeth Philpot.
In the early 19th century, simple lithographic printmaking was a way of creating small runs of images of the fossils in a collectors’ possession for distribution among friends and acquaintances. This lithograph is one of only 21 printed.
Date: 20 September 1821
Format: Chalk lithograph with manuscript captions by Cumberland.
Archive reference: LDGSL/639
Image reference: 03-20
Maximum recommended print size:Â 70 x 50cm