

Temple of Serapis
View of the 35th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1 January 1812
View of the 34th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 13th September 1810
View of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 12 August 1805

View of the eruption of Vesuvius on the night of 11 September 1804
View of the eruption of smoke and ash from Mount Vesuvius, 11 September 1804
Great eruption of fire and lava from Mount Vesuvius, 9 September 1804
View of the eruption of Vesuvius which began in the night of 12 August 1804

Plan of the Torre del Greco destroyed by the eruption of 1794
Eruption of ash from Mount Vesuvius, 19 June 1794
View of great eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 15 June 1794
View of 28th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 19 October 1767

View of Torre del Greco destroyed by the eruption of 15 June 1794
View of 31st eruption of Mount Vesuvius, September 1790
View of beginning of the 32nd eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 15 June 1794
View of 30th eruption of ash of Mount Vesuvius, 9 August 1779

View of the 30th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 8 August 1779
View of the crater of Mount Vesuvius, 1775
View of the 29th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1771
View of the 27th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1766 

View of the 26th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 23 December 1760 
View of the 25th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 27 and 28 March 1759
View of the 24th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1754 
View of the 23rd eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1751, taken from the south side 

View of the 23rd eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1751 
View of the 22nd eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1737 
View of the 13th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 16 December 1631 
View of Mount Vesuvius before the eruption of 1631

Carte géologique et topographique du Mont Vésuve (Dufrenoy, 1838)
Plate LVI: View of the great eruption of mount Vesuvius, on Sunday night August the 8th 1779
Plate LVII: View of the eruption of mount Vesuvius, Monday morning August the 9th 1779…
Plate XLVIII: Specimens of curious stones, found by the author on mount Vesuvius.

Plate LV: Views of the eruptions of Vesuvius in 1777 and 1779.
Plate X: Interiour [sic] view of the crater of mount Vesuvius…
Plate XII: View of an eruption of mount Vesuvius which began on the 23rd of December 1760, and ended the 5th of January 1761
XXI: View of the hot spring called, the Pisciarelli…

Plate XXXVIII: A night view of a current of lava that ran from mount Vesuvius towards Resina…
Plate XLI: View of the first discovery of the temple of Isis at Pompeii…
Plate IX: Interiour [sic] view of the crater of mount Vesuvius…
Plate V: View of an eruption of lava from the crater of mount Vesuvius…

L’ile Julia (Julia’s Isle)
Carte géologique du Massif du Mont-Blanc (Duparc and Mrazec, 1896)
Geognostische Karte Sicilien (Hoffmann, 1839)
Destruction of Torre del Greco, 15th June 1794

Eruption of Vesuvius, 15th June 1794
Vesuvius in Eruption, 1872
Vesuvius in Eruption, 1872