Geological map of the eastern Alps (1832)
Hydrogeological map of Alnwick and its neighbourhood
Murchison’s Map of Russia (1847)
‘Tabular view of the order of deposit and chronological succession of the principal European groups of stratified rocks’
‘The diametric section of the principles and theories of geology’
‘Sketch of the Geological Formation of the Auckland District’ (1857-1859)
Geognostic map of Sweden (1834)
Chart of Sarawak, Borneo (1846)
Knives, arrow heads and hatchets of flint and chert found in Kent’s Cavern
Bones bearing marks of having been gnawed by hyaenas, from Kent’s Cavern
Bones of rhinoceros and horse found in Kent’s Cavern
Remains of fossil plants
Remains of fossil plants
Remains of fossil plants, mostly nuts from the Isle of Sheppey
Remains of fossil plants, including twigs and nuts
Remains of fossil plants, mostly leaves
Remains of fossil plants, mostly ferns
Remains of fossil plants
Remains of fossil plants, mostly trees
Remains of fossil plants, including fossil wood and bark
Femur, ulna, radius, humerus and tibia of Bear found in Kent’s Cavern
Teeth and jaws of young elephants, rhinoceros, deer, bear and hyaenas found in Kent’s Cavern
Teeth & bony base of the nose of Rhinoceros from Kent’s Cavern
Jaws of a hog, deer, fox and horse found in Kent’s Cavern
Horns of a small deer, elk and red deer from Kent’s Cavern
Palate of an elk, partially eaten by a hyaena, from Kent’s Cavern
Head of a large wolf found in Kent’s Cavern, Torquay
Teeth of tigers and bears, with jaws from a rabbit, hare, bat, badger, fox, field mice, weasel and cat from Kent’s Cavern
Jaws of bears found in Kent’s Cavern
Jaws and teeth of a tiger, bear and hyaena from Kent’s Cavern
Skull of a hyaena from Kent’s Cavern
Cross section showing the progress of the Thames Tunnel under the Thames in 1838
Isometrical view of Marc Brunel’s patent shield
Workmen excavating the Thames Tunnel protected by Brunel’s patent shield
Cross section of the workmen excavating the Thames Tunnel
Plan of the roads & main objects on the Eastern Part of London as connected with the [Thames] Tunnel, 1835
View of the Western Archway of the Thames Tunnel
Section showing the construction of the Thames Tunnel in progress
Plan shewing the progress of the Thames Tunnel, 1839
Plan shewing the progress of the Thames Tunnel, 1836
Geological map of Malta (1856)
Geological map of Gozo and Cominos, Malta
Temple of Serapis
Homo diluvii testis
View of the 35th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1 January 1812
View of the 34th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 13th September 1810
View of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 12 August 1805
View of the eruption of Vesuvius on the night of 11 September 1804
View of the eruption of smoke and ash from Mount Vesuvius, 11 September 1804
Great eruption of fire and lava from Mount Vesuvius, 9 September 1804
View of the eruption of Vesuvius which began in the night of 12 August 1804
Plan of the Torre del Greco destroyed by the eruption of 1794
Eruption of ash from Mount Vesuvius, 19 June 1794
View of great eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 15 June 1794
View of 28th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 19 October 1767
View of Torre del Greco destroyed by the eruption of 15 June 1794
View of 31st eruption of Mount Vesuvius, September 1790
View of beginning of the 32nd eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 15 June 1794
View of 30th eruption of ash of Mount Vesuvius, 9 August 1779
View of the 30th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 8 August 1779
View of the crater of Mount Vesuvius, 1775
View of the 29th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1771
View of the 27th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1766
View of the 26th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 23 December 1760
View of the 25th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 27 and 28 March 1759
View of the 24th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1754
View of the 23rd eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1751, taken from the south side
View of the 23rd eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1751
View of the 22nd eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1737
View of the 13th eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 16 December 1631
View of Mount Vesuvius before the eruption of 1631
‘A Delineation of the Strata of England and Wales, with part of Scotland… (1815)
‘Geological Map of England and Wales’ (1865) 3rd edition
Greenough’s ‘Geological Map of England and Wales’ – uncorrected proof before mountains [1818]
Greenough’s ‘Geological Map of England and Wales’ – earliest surviving proof [1816]
Greenough’s and Sharpe’s Geological Map of Scotland [1852] – final copy
Earliest geological map of Ireland [?1814]
‘Cavern at Thompson’s Point’, St Helena
‘Flagstaff & Barnhills with Sugar-loaf in the distance…’, St Helena
‘Part of the Coast near Flagstaff hill’, St Helena
‘Basaltic strata in the Barn’, St Helena
‘The Asses Ears’ & ‘Lott’s Wife’, St Helena
‘Lott’, St Helena
‘The Chimney’, St Helena
‘Sandy Bay’, St Helena
Mastodon giganteus
Coast near Thomson’s Point, St Helena
Geognostic map of the Harz Mountains (1832)
Island of Arran engraved for an outline of its mineralogy (1800)
View of the Great Cave of Isla looking outwards
View of a perforated Basaltic Vein N W Coast of Jura
Jameson’s outline map of Scotland (1800)
Productus scoticus
‘Two views of a fossil bivalve allied to Diceras…’
Hypponyx cornucopia & Patella, Hauteville, De Gerville
Draft of the first geological map of Jersey [c.1828]
First geological map of Jersey [c.1828]
Teeth of Acrodus anningiae Agassiz
Landslip, Lyme Regis, Dorset
Lyme Regis
Charmouth, Dorset from the Bridport Road
Charmouth, Dorset from Catherstone
Lyme Regis, from Pierhead
View of Lyme Regis
‘Landslip Under Southdown between Beer Head and Branscombe…’
‘View of the Landslip from Whitlands…’
‘View from the Western End of the Beach near Culverhole Point…’
‘View from the New Beach looking Westward to Beer Head’
‘View of the Great Chasm from its Western end at Bindon…’
‘View of the Axmouth Landslip from Dowlands…’
‘Geological section of the Chasm, Undercliff and New Raised Beach from the Eastern boundary of Great Bindon to the sea’
‘Geological view of the coast from Lyme Regis…to Axmouth Harbour…’
Coleia Antiqua
‘Squaloraia’ [lithograph]
Skeleton of a Plesiosaur from Lyme Regis
Tail of Squalo-raja (Spinacorhinus) polyspondila Agassiz
Ground plan and sections of the Great Landslip at Great and Little Bindon and Dowlands…
Plesiosaurus macrocephalus
Pterodactylus macronyx
Dimorphodon macronyx
Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus
Plesiosaurus from Lyme Regis
‘Skeleton of Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus’
Diagram of the geological restorations at Crystal Palace
Map of Crystal Palace Park (1854)
Reconstruction of Plesiosaurus macrocephalus
William Smith (1769-1839)
Mary Anning (1799-1847)
Skulls of Plesiosaurus hawkinsii and Plesiosaurus macrocephalus
Ribs of an ichthyosaur
Section through the vertebrae of an ichthyosaur
Vertebrae and ribs of an ichthyosaur
Head of an ichthyosaur
Invitation to the Dinner in the Iguanodon, Crystal Palace
Scharkathal near Prague at the time of the Mammoth
Northern Bohemia during the time of lignite formation (Tertiary)
The White Mountain (Bílá hora) during the Cretaceous
At the foot of the Riesengebirges (Krkonoše) during the Permian
Environs of Radnitz during the Coal Formation (Upper Carboniferous)
Kuchelbad near Prague during the Upper Silurian
‘Cave lately found at Redland’
Long section probably showing limestone strata around Bristol
‘Sandstone at the new cut, River Avon, Bristol’
Skeleton of the Mammoth in the St Petersburg Museum
Geological timescale (1867)
Ideal landscape of the Pliocene Period
Ideal landscape of the Miocene Period
Ideal landscape of the Eocene Period
Ideal landscape of the Cretaceous Period
Ideal landscape of the Upper Oolitic Period
Ideal landscape of the Middle Oolitic Period
Ideal landscape of the Lower Oolite Period
Ideal landscape of the Keuper Sub-period
Ideal landscape of the Muschelkalk Sub-period
Ideal landscape of the Permian Period
Ideal view of a marshy forest of the Coal Period
Ideal view of marine life in the Carboniferous Period
Ideal landscape of the Devonian Period
Ideal landscape of the Silurian Period
‘Appearance of Man’
Ideal American landscape in the Quaternary Epoch
Ideal European landscape in the Quaternary Epoch
Dürnten during the formation of lignite
Lausanne during the Miocene Period
Life in the Miocene Period, Oeningen near Constance
Zurich at the Glacial Period
The coral islands of the Jura [Jurassic]
Submarine life of the Schambelen [Lower Jurassic]
Basle during the Keuper Period [Middle to Upper Triassic]
Carboniferous flora of Switzerland
Hammerhead shark and white shark
Shark’s head and teeth
Sea urchins
‘Glossopetra’ [Tongue stone]
‘Glossopetrae’ [Tongue stones]
La vana speculazione disingannata dal senso
Burlington House, 1873
First Geological Map of Scotland [1808]
Greenough’s and Sharpe’s Geological Map of Scotland [1852] – draft
Geological Map of England and Wales [1839] 2nd edition
Geological Map of England and Wales (1820) 1st edition
Utsigt af Sulitelma från Ålmajalosjegna’ (1807)
Utsigt af Sulitelma och dess glacierer från fjället Lairo (1807)
Ustigt af Sulitelma genom Langvandalen, Lapland (1807)
Charta õfver en del af Lappska Fjällen (1807)
Carte géologique et topographique du Mont Vésuve (Dufrenoy, 1838)
Lower Yellowstone Range
Yellowstone Lake
Head of Yellowstone River
Grand Cañon, Yellowstone
Towers of Tower Falls, Yellowstone
Hot springs of Gardiner’s River, Yellowstone
Great Blue Spring of the Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone
Castle Geyser, Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone
Mountain of the Holy Cross, Colorado
Mosquito Trail, Rocky Mountains of Colorado
Great Falls of Snake River, Idaho Territory
Valley of Babbling Waters, Southern Utah
Great Salt Lake of Utah
Map of the geology around Swan River, Western Australia